about this blog.

i´ve made a decision. starting today i´m slimming down. follow me with my journey to a beautiful and new ME... only a lot thinner!!

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

today and yesterday

I didn´t have time to write yesterday, but it was a good day... i woke up and went to the gym... took spinning class... had a mango juice for breakfast which was about 50cal. then i waited for lunch to eat again which was hard because i was really hungry but made it... i ate 2 "tostadas" 50cal. each with chicken and lettuce... which was about 300 cal. then i waited for supper... i made myself egg whites with red pepper which was about 80cal... nice day i suppose... i did have a headache...
Today is going good... i woke up for 2 hours at the gym... i had a homemade orange juice for breakfast and im waiting for lunch.. im really hungryy!! ill keep you posted and see if i can mae a good day today...
yeterday i weighed myself to find out im 54.8 kg.... and today the same... agh how stressfull